For a 20-Year-Old Single Muslim Woman

If you don't want to fall in love with Mr. Wrong,

read this book before you turn 21

Experience true love with your Mr. Right

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to train your heart to experience true love with your Mr. Right while you read this book---whether you get married next year or 10 years from now.

  • True-Love-Skills

You too can experience true love because it's learnable. Practice the True-Love-Skills in the book as if your love-life depends on it (because it does).

How to detect Mr. Red Flag

Each failed marriage leaves clues---breadcrumbs, red flags. These are the same red flags I will tell my daughters to watch out for. The earlier you know them, the better.

  • 1 out of 3 Muslim marriages end in a divorce

In some communities, it's 1 out 2. The problem is that most singles do not know which clues to look for before marriage.

This book can reduce your chance of divorce by 33%

Research shows that pre-marriage education reduces the chance of divorce by one-third. That means there are ways to:

  • Divorce-proof your future marriage

Contrary to popular belief, the foundation for a long-lasting, healthy marriage is built long before you get married, long before you find your Mr. Right

Avoid the #1 love mistake most women make

You must know this now -- so you can avoid falling in love with a handsome man who might be a bad husband and an absent father.

  • How to say "no" to Mr. Wrong effortlessly

Discover a simple, proven, real-life skill you can use to say "no" to players, losers, and time-wasters

What Readers Said About Book

No shaming. No blaming.

I absolutely love that this book validates Muslim women’s often very heartbreaking realities with love and relationships, acknowledges men’s faults and where they go wrong, and gives a Muslimah a clear path to love that allows her to be vulnerable, honest, and accepting of herself.

There is no shaming, no willful disregard of the very real problems Muslim women go through (that the larger community tries to cover up), and no blaming.

Zainab Faraj


As if he was reading my thoughts

I love how practical this book is - how there are clear, defined steps for what to do and what actions to take.

I like that it’s a conversational book.

I could almost hear the author telling me what to do. At times, it was as if he was reading my thoughts because the next line would be a response to what I was just thinking.

Dania Abuleil


I haven't cried like this in a long time

This is amazing and brutal at the same time.

If my heart was a wall made of stone bricks, I would say that some of the big rocks just fell down and I feel a bit lighter after reading the book.

Thank you for making me do this.

Mina Saydova


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